Essential oils do so much more than smell wonderful. They are some of the most amazing and versatile plant-based wellness solutions for your everyday health and well-being.
Since they are highly concentrated natural extracts of plants, unadulterated essential oils have significant capabilities to balance every system of your body. They also have a positive effect on your mood and emotions, they enhance yoga and meditations, they will energize your life and lift your spirit, just to name a few. Pure essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals they are derived from. When you hold a bottle of Young Living essential oil, you hold nature’s pure essence. As an added bonus, they smell amazing!
It is important to note that most oils on the market have not been grown or distilled properly to deliver the complex chemical profile of the original plant. Additionally, most oils are low quality and have been adulterated or cut with other substances to keep costs down, and none have been tested as rigoursly as Young Living’s for quality and purity. Young Living is the only essential oil company in the world to have FDA approval for internal consumption – this is their Vitality line of oils. Young Living is a company you can trust to consistently deliver impeccable, pure products.
At SpaByKelly, every spa treatment integrates Young Living Essential Oils into your experience.
Learn how you can integrate essential oils into your home, your healthy lifestyle, and your personal care products – it’s fun and easy!
Free consultations are always available in person or by phone. Or schedule a home party with a couple of friends or family members. Or join us at a monthly meet-up. You don’t know what you don’t know, so get in the know today and start your journey towards living above the wellness line.
No one ever wishes they were never introduced to essential oils. Promise!